Monday, November 29, 2010

B5Tech Site Down - Back Online Soon

B5Tech is down after the storm in Utah. ISP working to get it back online. Hope to be up and running again soon.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Example: Why America is Doomed

The key reason for America's victory in World War II was its industrial might. We built guns, ships, tanks and aircraft faster and better than anyone in the world. We overwhelmed our opponents by sheer industrial strength and a "can-do" American attitude that defined our nation's ingenuity, innovation, and strong worth ethic.

That America doesn't exist anymore. Today, Americans cannot be bothered to do the work their parents and grandparents did. They don't want to build their lives from scratch, demanding to have every luxury and privileged of their parents as soon as they graduate from High School. The industrial base that defined America's economic strength is dead. Laborers working on American construction projects, corrupted by Union contracts, lounge about on our streets, in the front yards of home construction, on the sight of building construction taking place.

Much of America's labor force are not even American. Rather, they are poorly trained and ill educated illegal aliens who, thanks to Union rules and Union contracts, have carte blanche to loaf about on construction projects, leading to huge cost overruns and wasted time and money. Foreign nations look at us and point to these trends as examples of Americans being lazy and stupid. Lazy for not doing the work, stupid for letting ourselves get to this point.

America is doomed.


Because while American workers have taken nine years and gotten little of substance done on the construction of the new Freedom Tower... Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days!


Here. Just take a look at the video:

Not only did they build this hotel in six days, the did so with NO accidents or injuries, and there was not a single Union to be found.

The key reason for America's victory in World War II was its industrial might.

The key reason for China's victory today is THEIR industrial might.

The= key reason America is doomed, is because the America we once were does not exist today, and the America that exists today exemplifies the corrupt nepotism of Europe our founders shed blood and tears to save us from.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Star Wars Films to be Re-Released in 3D

Star Wars is being re-released in 3D as a means of George Lucas continuing his ongoing rape of his accidental masterpiece. This new abomination begins in 2012. The following exemplifies my response:

Monday, November 1, 2010

I Want Your Money - In Review

I grew up in the 1980s and Ronald Reagan was my President. My girlfriend grew-up in the 90s and her president was Bill Clinton. She has no faith in the political process and sees no difference between Democrats or Republicans. She has never known what it is to have an American President who grasped the simple concept of common sense.

I took her to see the movie "I want your Money" and for the first time in her entire life, she was introduced to Ronald Reagan. For the very first time she was shown what the real difference was between Reagan and all the Presidents to come after him. It changed her world view.

Me? I remember Reagan. I remember sitting as a little boy with my Dad, watching the Presidential Debates between Reagan and Jimmy Carter on a 13 inch black-and-white TV. I remember the 1984 elections and, even as a kid, knowing that Walter Mondale was a complete moron. Walter Mondale was the guy who wanted to kill the space program, a year before we were to land on the moon, FYI.

People seem to forget that Ronald Reagan won 49 out of 50 States in 1984 and he won the largest majority since the founding of our nation, for a reason!

So, my girl and I sat and watched this movie.

I was re-introduced to Ronald Reagan and she was introduced to Ronny for the first time in her life.

As we left, she turned to me and asked, "Why don't we have people like that in politics today?"

I smiled. This was going to be a LONG conversation that I won't repeat here. What I will say is this... go see this movie. It will make you think. For those of you who are old enough, it will make you remember and, for those of you who are young, it will inspire you to look for something better.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Christmas Comes Early as the Economy Fails

The earlier the Christmas season begins, the worse the economy is. Retailers depend on what is known as “Black Friday” to take their companies out of the red and into the black, financially. Black Friday is officially the day after Thanks Giving, yet that is not the case this year and this does not bode well for the economy.

As early as the second week of October, I saw Halloween decorations being taken down at the local Walmart, to make way for Christmas. Thanks Giving decorations were being skipped entirely as retailers salivated for the Christmas shopping season. Everywhere I have gone the tale remains the same, shopping outlets quick to put their Christmas decorations up and prepare for Black Friday, seven weeks in advance of Thanks Giving.

(Consumer Reports says Christams Bargains are coming early!)

This is a sign of just how bad our economy is here in America. Companies are so desperate that they are skipping holidays and pushing for the Christmas season, in a desperate move to try anything they can to balance their books. Americans are not spending, unemployment has spiked up to the double digits and third-quarter growth was an anemic 2%.

The engine of America's economy is broken. Someone has poured sugar into the gas tank and now we find ourselves grinding to a halt, slowing down, wallowing in a steady economic decline. The winds of change that swept Democrats into power in 2006 and 2008, now appear ready to reverse course and sweep in the Republicans.

(Black Friday may come early but it may not save the retail market.)

With corruption in both political parties sapping strength from the American people, will it matter? Or is America simply done? When people asked Benjamin Franklin about what had been created at the Constitutional Convention, he replied “A republic, if you can keep it.”

We did not keep it, we were not vigilant, our current state of affairs were born of our mistakes as a nation. If America truly is finished, then this generation of voters, will be the last to remember what was, as we come face to face with the new reality of the American Socialist experiment.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Voter Fraud Comes Early, 2010

The USA has, in the eyes of the world, become more and more corrupt in the past two years, reports the New York Times. Transparency International's survey of world populations found that people view the U.S. as more corrupt now then it was during the Bush administration, falling from 19th place to 22nd.

(Click HERE for details.)

As if answering in the affirmative, now voter fraud has crept up in Democratic states that look to make the switch from Blue to Red. In Illinois, President Obama's home State, the local government failed to meet the deadline to mail absentee ballots to soldiers over seas, effectively disenfranchising voters who have volunteered to serve their country.

(Read up on this report at Chicago's WLS-AM 890)

Now reports are coming in from North Carolina and Nevada, where voters casting their ballots early discovered that the electronic voting machines were already showing votes, or changing votes from Republican to Democrat. Sam Laughinghouse of Craven County NC tried to vote party-line for the Republicans, only to have the machine switch his vote to a ballot cast in favor of the Democrats, according to the Sun Journal.

A similar story has also been reported by the FOX 5 local affiliate in Nevada, where Joyce Ferrara of Clark County NV, along with friends and family, cast their votes for Tea Party upstart Sharron Angle (R) only to have their votes switched by the machine to a ballot cast in favor of Sen. Harry Reid (D). Larry Lomax, Clark County Registrar of Voters, blamed the sensitivity of the machine's touch screens and the age of voters for the problem. Added to fears of voter fraud, the technicians working on the voting machine are members of SEIU.

The Service Employees International Union has supported Reid, donating $63 million to elect Barack Obama in 2008, $44 million in the current election cycle. Former SEIU president Andy Stern now works in the Obama Whitehouse. All of this in the wake of a new Rasmussen poll showing Sharron Angle leading Harry Reid by four points.

(Click HERE to see the polling data for yourself!)

With only one week left before the vast majority of voters head to the polls to voice their desire for change and a new direction, corruption and the looming cloud of voter fraud may embitter Americans even more, while the nations of the world watch with lowered expectations of U.S. honor and integrity on the world scene.